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Are you asking good questions?

Meridith Grundei

In November, I attended the Hotsauce Conference produced by Hotjar in NYC. I was curious about what was trending in the world of UX and branding and aside from the theme of empathy being at the forefront of how we communicate through the user experience, one presenter stood out the most and that was Chris Do who talked about the power of asking better questions.

When you ask good questions, you will be better equipped to listen to your clients or customers and in return, you will be better equipped to address their pain points and yes, solve their problems.

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​So how do you ask better questions? Here is one resource the speaker offered that I will also share with you:

"The Coaching Habit" by Michael Bungay Stanier encourages coaches and leaders to adopt a more question-centric approach to coaching. The book emphasizes the use of seven key questions, often referred to as the "seven good questions," to facilitate more effective coaching conversations.

These seven powerful questions can also be a valuable approach to better engage with your audience for your next presentation or workshop, so here we go:

  1. The Kickstart Question ("What's on your mind?"): Begin the conversation by asking your potential client what's currently on their mind or what challenges they are facing in their business or life. This allows you to understand their immediate concerns and priorities.

  2. The AWE Question ("And what else?"): After they share their initial thoughts, use this question to encourage them to provide more details and insights. This helps you gain a deeper understanding of their situation.

  3. The Focus Question ("What's the real challenge here for you?"): ​ Help your potential client pinpoint the core issue or challenge they are facing. This question can guide them to clarify their needs and priorities.

  4. The Foundation Question ("What do you want?"): Ask your potential client about their desired outcomes or goals. This question helps them articulate what they hope to achieve, allowing you to align your offerings with their needs.

  5. The Lazy Question ("How can I help?"): ​ Once you have a clear understanding of their challenges and goals, offer your assistance. Let them know that you're there to support them and find solutions together.

  6. The Strategic Question ("If you're saying yes to this, what are you saying no to?"): Help your potential client consider the broader implications of their decisions. This can lead to discussions about trade-offs and the value your product or service can provide.

  7. The Learning Question ("What was most useful for you?"): ​ At the end of the conversation, ask for feedback. Inquire about what they found valuable in the discussion. This not only shows your commitment to their growth but also helps you improve your approach.

The next time you facilitate a workshop or give a presentation, consider incorporating these questions into your conversations with potential clients or customers. When you do, you'll create a more engaging and client-centered interaction, resulting in deeper insights into their needs. This will help build rapport and position you as a trusted leader genuinely interested in helping them succeed. It can also lead to more effective sales and long-term relationships. Yes, and to that!

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